Spring and Summer Chimney Cleaning Inspections: What That Means to You

What Spring Cleaning a Chimney Means to You First and foremost, keep the animals out of your chimney. Too many animals find your chimney a great home for their families.Second, hopefully the harsh winter has ended and for your chimney, it brings a simple end to your fireplace or wood stove. That said, don’t ignore it.  When…

Need to Have: Spring Cleaning for Your Fireplace

Need to Have: Spring Cleaning Your Fireplace Spring cleaning typically includes your home. It involves a complete sweep of the entire house from top to bottom, inside and out. However, there are certain things that usually get overlooked on the chore list that are most important – and your fireplace or wood stove are one of them. This…

The Importance of a Chimney Inspection

As Americans find peace of  mind at home with family and friends, especially this winter, many will be enjoying  the comfort of a warm fire. However, homeowners planning to make good use of  their fireplaces this season should consider some simple maintenance procedures,  including a chimney inspection by RonJon Chimney Sweep. “A chimney inspection is like an…

Detection and Prevention, Please

Carbon Monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that can put your family a at risk. Be Proactive. Why get my chimney swept? Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Animal Blockages and Nests Water Intrusion Collapsed Flue Chimney Leaks Chimney Structural Integrity About Carbon Monoxide and Chimneys – Probably More than You Want to Know Carbon monoxide (CO)…

Chimney Maintenance and Repair for Efficient Heating

Fully licensed and insured. It’s getting cold out there! Have you started a fire yet? Keep your home warm and your chimney well maintained so your heating systems can be less expensive and your fireplace more efficient. Chimneys are an integral part of your heating system and require regular maintenance and repair. Remove Those Animals from…

How to Install a Chimney Liner

‘Tis the Season Chimney liners are a necessity if you own a home with a wood- or gas- or pellet- or corn- burning fireplace. A thick, tarry smoke rises from every fire you burn, and without a liner, it will stick to the walls of your chimney and create a fire hazard. Stay safe this holiday season and…

Why do I need to get my Chimney cleaned?

Why get my chimney swept? The job of the chimney sweep is to remove build-up of soot, blockages and creosote from your chimney liner, firebox, smoke chamber and damper. It is critical to the safety of you and your family to do this annually. Not only with this cleaning will help create a safer operation…