Why do I need to get my Chimney cleaned?

Why get my chimney swept?

The job of the chimney sweep is to remove build-up of soot, blockages and creosote from your chimney liner, firebox, smoke chamber and damper. It is critical to the safety of you and your family to do this annually.

Not only with this cleaning will help create a safer operation of your system during the heating system but it only takes a small accumulation of creosote glazing to create the potential for a chimney fire. That is the last thing you want!

What is Creosote?

Creosote is a highly flammable substance that builds up inside your chimney or liner as a result of burning wood. The rate of accumulation can be higher if you practice poor burning practices or have a burning appliance or stove that is not working well. Different types of wood create different amounts of creosote when burned. Creosote can also reduce the draw of the fireplace and reduce efficiency.

To be sure that your chimney – gas fireplace or wood burning fireplace or stove – it is also highly recommended that homeowners get an annual chimney inspection. This often happens when chimneys are cleaned.

If you use your fireplace on a regular basis, it is very important to clean your chimney or have it swept. Other venting systems connected to furnaces and stoves should also be cleaned on a regular basis to maintain safer operation. It is not worth the risk that an undiscovered defect could turn into an expensive repair or worse yet – a chimney fire.

If you only have minimal use of your fireplace or stove, an inspection is still advised annually to look at all heating venting systems, chimneys, stove systems and furnace flues. During these inspections any defects or issues that may be found that require action even if cleaning is not needed.

Other reasons to clean your chimney annually:

  • Family safety
  • Animal blockages and nests
  • Water intrusion
  • Collapsed flue
  • Chimney leaks
  • Chimney structural integrity
  • Carbon Monoxide concerns

why do i need to get my chimney swept?